COVID project: care starts at home
Facing COVID-19 emergency, Buzzi Unicem Foundation has decided to finance a pilot home monitoring study, in the areas of Casale Monferrato and Turin, with the support of the Mario Negri Institute.
The choice of the project embodies the spirit of the Foundation and the Buzzi family to offer Piedmont territory a quality service, scientifically approved, in aid of the current health emergency.
All COVID-19 symptomatic patients whom the general practitioner, the competent doctor or the 118 center have decided not to send directly to hospital will have access to the project.
For all of them, it will be possible to be cared for at home by a team of physiotherapists, properly trained and equipped with all the medical devices, who will carry out daily monitoring of respiratory function, with an oximeter, subjecting the patient to a "walking test" and consequently decide with the doctors the possible and progressive hospitalization.
The Crisis Unit of the Mario Negri Institute, in coordination with dr. Guido Bertolini, will provide for the collection and processing of data and the logistical direction of the entire project.
The Buzzi Unicem Foundation is committed to fully fund the initiative, the value of which will reach two hundred thousand euros.
Any contribution of participation will be of great help, and can be made through:
- bank transfer: IBAN IT51K0503422600000000020059, made out to Buzzi Unicem Foundation, "PROGETTO COVID19"
- an email to info@fondazionebuzziunicem.org to define how to contribute.