
Solidur® is a ready-to-use, premixed product for plastic and self-hardening mixtures, composed of cementitious mineral binders, clay and bentonite components, and special additives. It does not contain any chemical additives. It is produced using only high-quality activated sodium bentonite. It is mixed with water on site without the use of other additives, it remains workable for a sufficient amount of time that varies depending upon the application, and it can be pumped even to distances  exceeding one kilometer. It is used for constructing diaphragm walls in the environmental and hydraulic engineering sectors, and for special foundations.


Struttura produttiva e distributiva

Piazza Cavalcanti, 11
50040 Settimello (FI)
tel. 800 015436

Sfuso Sacco

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Disponibile in sacco Disponibile in sacco [prodotto in altro stabilimento]
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Certificazione ambientale ISO 14001 Certificazione ambientale ISO 14001