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False myths

We invite you to pay attention to what could be defined as "false myths", i.e. false information, which circulate in the media and on social networks and that often attract readers' attention, presenting a patina of plausibility.

Often these "false myths" focus on the management and efficient use of resources, the sustainability or otherwise of certain processes, on cement production or what is referred to in Italian as "cementification" or uncontrolled overbuilding, as well as aspects related to these, negatively affecting public opinion and the decisions of local administrators.

Keeping in mind that cement and "cementification", while they have the same root, represent two completely different worlds, the first being a product, with its production and its applications, the second being the improper and indiscriminate use of what is the most-used material on earth after water, we have created this section where we will seek to technically specify in a clear and comprehensive way some of the preconceptions that we try to explain to our stakeholders on a daily basis.