
Family & Friends: the Fanna plant to host Buzzi Unicem open day
13 September 2021

Family & Friends: the Fanna plant to host Buzzi Unicem open day

On September 25th, the Buzzi Unicem Fanna plant, will hold the fifth edition of the Family & Friends event, an open day in the factory dedicated to employees, family members and all those who wish to participate.

This day offers visitors the opportunity to understand how the plant works in all of its parts, to participate in seminars on different topics, in sessions and workshops designed for all ages. Many issues will be discussed: from waste management cycle and energy recovery, to the role of cement industry in the circular economy, from sustainability to cement product innovation cement and its applications.

There will be numerous booths to find out and deepen the Buzzi Unicem initiatives developed for the territory, programs designed for schools and universities, policies implemented to assure health and safety at work, and much more.
Workshops and educational games will be addressed to children and teenagers, to raise awareness on recycling and waste cycle. It will also be possible to participate in a workshop dedicated to nutrition and food nutritional principles.

The event will also host representatives of local associations and schools, while the closing show will be organized by the Maniago Philharmonic.

Family and Friends will start at 8:30 am and end at 6:30 pm.
All activities, visits and meetings were organized in compliance with the national and regional legislation in force on the containment and management of the epidemiological emergency from Covid -19.

A green pass is required and places to participate in the event are limited.
For reservations, write to no later than 20th September 2021.

The event program is available here (Italian only).