Qualità - heading2

Elementi Navigazione


The word quality has multiple meanings at Buzzi Unicem, and certainly the one that comes immediately to mind is the quality of our products. Between 1994 and now, the technical standards for hydraulic binders have been radically transformed versus the situation in 1968, with the introduction of innovative elements regarding the composition and properties of the constituent materials, conformance evaluation and certification. 
In the building sector, standard cements were the first products to obtain CE marking and they are now regulated in the same way in all EU countries as a result of the harmonized standard EN 197/1.
In 2011, EU regulation No. 305 introduced new liability and sustainability requirements for all construction materials, and manufacturers were required to complete the mandatory Declaration of Performance (DoP). 
Operating within this constantly evolving and innovating environment, the term quality must also assume the meaning of research and development, in other words the ability to interpret and anticipate the requirements of an increasingly demanding market that is facing new challenges. 
Organizations within Buzzi Unicem are specifically dedicated to continuously improving the quality of our products, researching the opportunities presented by innovative and/or non-traditional materials, and understanding and meeting the needs of our customers. We have acquired a priceless heritage of skills and international experience from being in business for over a century.