
Elementi Navigazione


We are living in an era of massive change, characterized by phenomena that are somewhat new and occurring on a global scale. The growing push towards urbanization and digitalization requires us to rethink the organization of our cities, make smarter use of raw materials and energy, have greater respect for the environment and biodiversity, and counteract and neutralize the effect of climate change. We need to change some of our behaviors and think more about the consequences of some of our actions. In short, we must behave in a more sustainable way.

This applies to everyone. And obviously it also applies to us at Buzzi Unicem.

For over 100 years we have been very passionately producing two essential materials for the benefit of society: concrete and its most valuable component, cement. These materials are used to build essential infrastructures such as roads, bridges, tunnels, airports, dams and, of course, buildings for residential and industrial use. The society that we know and wish to preserve would not be the same without them.

We are aware that our production process involves impacts.

This is why sustainability has been part of our working model for several years now and has been included in our financial statements since 2001, documenting the results we have achieved and those we plan to achieve in the medium term.

You will find detailed information together with photos, charts and tables on relevant topics such as workplace safety, monitoring of atmospheric emissions, consumption of raw materials, water and energy, the protection of biodiversity, and the development of new products and new processes that have a lower environmental impact.

We have also taken a new approach to communicating and collaborating with local communities near our production sites because we feel that we are an integral part of the territory and we believe we can contribute positively to its growth.

No less important is our focus on disseminating and ensuring that our values are being heeded. The honesty, competence and passion of our employees and our main suppliers are the pillars on which the company was founded and on which we want to continue building our future.

This is our way of being sustainable.

  Massimo Paris
Quality Assurance and Sustainability Director