Ambiente e Sicurezza

Elementi Navigazione

Environmental and Safety Specifications

Buzzi Unicem S.r.l. considers the health and safety of their employees as well as the environmental protection as main goals.

For this purpose, Environmental and Safety Specifications have been drawn up: they apply to all planned works at Buzzi Unicem S.r.l. production plants and are an integral part of the existing works and services contracts with contractors.

These Specifications lay down the main measures to be taken and observed in the field of health and accident prevention, occupational hygiene, and environmental protection by those who subscribe and carry out project contracts for the realization of works/services for Buzzi Unicem S.r.l.

The document also integrates, but it does not replace, specific operating rules and regulations at Buzzi Unicem S.r.l. production units, with which the contractors and all the subjects working for them must comply.