
Trino Plant (VC) - S.O.S. homework

Among the many activities aimed at helping the less fortunate, the San Vincenzo de' Paoli di Trino Association launched an ambitious new project called "S.O.S. homework." The local Buzzi Unicem Plant supported the project by making available the hall of the Centro Sociale Pietro and Antonio Buzzi, turning it into a large classroom where children could engage in after-school activities.

About 50 primary and secondary school children from non-Italian families had the opportunity to be tutored throughout the school year by volunteer teachers. This was a real godsend, as it allowed the children to follow the lessons with greater attention and concentration, thus making it easier for them to overcome some educational gaps and participate more actively in classroom activities.

Fanna Plant (PN) - The Cement Plant, a place of solidarity

The plant as seen not only as a workplace but also as a place of aggregation and solidarity to the benefit of the community. This was the spirit that sealed the meeting between the Company and ASLA, an association that for many years has been organizing sports events locally for the purpose of raising awareness about the world SLA and the importance of research for this type of disease.

Buzzi Unicem has fully embraced the desire of President Michele Roveredo to hold an event at the Company, in addition to supporting the various marathons in the area, in particular the one in Maniago that takes place in September.

The event, held on Saturday, April 29 under the sponsorship of the Municipality of Fanna, featured a 1.2-kilometer relay race at the plant with the participation of 160 visitors comprising athletes, citizens and a large number of families.

The athletes were able to run safely for two hours, with the best ones completing as many as 24 laps, with the only purpose of having fun and making a contribution in favor of ASLA.

Other participants, about 40 people split into two groups, preferred instead to visit the Plant together with our personnel who, starting from the production and EAS booth, illustrated the entire production cycle.

Robilante Plant (CN) - The Robilante cement plant turns pink

The 4th edition of the "Camminata in Rosa" of Robilante, organized by the ProLoco Association and the Luigi Buzzi Social CenterCentro Sociale Luigi Buzzi with the collaboration of Buzzi Unicem, featured the participation of more than 200 people, including Patrizia Manassero, President of the LILT Association of Cuneo and the town's Mayor. The goal was to raise funds in favor of the Cuneo Section of LILT (Italian League for the Fight against Tumors).

The 5-kilometer walk wound its way through the green trails of Robilante, bordering the Vermenagna Creek and passing through the cement plant where, in the yard in front of the cement silos, a light buffet was set up. Continuing then through the narrow streets of the village, the walk ended back at the Centro Sociale Luigi Buzzi, where the event ended with a delicious lunch.

Monselice Plant (PD) - A three-year partnership between the Italian Red Cross - South Padua Committee and the Company has been renewed for 2023/2025

An important agreement the aim of which is to emphasize the Company's role in the area and its initiative in the social, cultural and solidarity sectors. The goal is to spread the culture of prevention, safety in the workplace, health protection and social inclusion.

The first event of 2023 was held in May, at the premises of the Monselice Plant, with the free health prevention campaign "Sentiamoci in salute." Cholesterol, blood glucose, oxygen saturation, blood pressure and heart rate tests were made available to employees and the citizens of Monselice, thanks to the collaboration of volunteers from the Italian Red Cross South Padua Committee and the support of the Maico acoustic center. There was a large turnout with more than 100 tests carried out in just a few hours.

Augusta Plant (SR) - The smile game: together for Federico and Gabriele

On Sunday, February 12, at the fields of the Sporting Club of Augusta, a four-team soccer tournament was held, organized by the Associazione Teniamoci Per Mano Onlus in collaboration with the Buzzi Unicem Plant of Augusta, the Municipality and the Misericordia Association. Representing the cement plant was a team made up of a group of employees: once again sports and solidarity form a winning combination, as our colleagues took to the field showing great sensibility and generosity.

The proceeds will be added to a fundraising effort to help two young local brothers, Federico and Gabriele, aged 12 and 4, who both suffer from anchored bone marrow, a rare form of a neurological disease that affects the bone marrow and can only be cured by major and very expensive surgery.

Stabilimento di Fanna (PN) - Together with the Maniago Red Cross to prevent Diabetes.

The Company and the Italian Red Cross of Maniago aim to build strong ties in order to be able to carry out tangible, innovative and effective projects with a strong social impact on the territory of Fanna and beyond.

The partnership, which commenced a few years ago, made it possible to implement a course on how to use defibrillators in 2022 and continued this year with another important milestone regarding prevention. 

During the month of February, the Buzzi Unicem Plant in Fanna, together with the Red Cross, organized a morning with blood glucose tests administered to more than 50 people.


Siniscola Plant (NU) - Federbeton “Porte Aperte” at Siniscola

On Saturday, May 27, the Siniscola Plant hosted young students from the local schools as part of the "Porte aperte" event sponsored by Federbeton.

The event, which started at about 8:30 a.m. and ended at around 1 p.m., featured the participation of 112 students from the ITCG Luigi Oggiano (course of studies in Construction Environment and Territory) and the IIS Michelangelo Pira (Nautical and Agricultural courses of studies), accompanied by teachers and school directors.

After a brief introduction by the Federbeton representative, the guests had the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of cement production, the topic of quarries and environmental reclamation and workplace safety. All the above both through a theoretical demonstration given by the various managers and a visit to the cement plant.

In the morning, the guests were also able to view the photographic exhibition set up in the administrative offices, featuring photographs of the Plant taken by the Architect Sardoni.

At the end of the activities, the Plant offered a light lunch, prepared by the students of the ITCG Luigi Oggiano, course of studies in Hotel Hospitality, Food and Beverages.

By dedicating the space of the “Porte Aperte” event to schools, Buzzi Unicem confirmed once again its focus and interest in young people, who are dealing with the topics of Sustainability with increased awareness.

The teachers, extremely satisfied with the day’s activities and the issues discussed, emphasized the relevance of the event, which made it possible for the students to see with their own eyes the activities carried out at an important local company and become familiar with the production cycle of cement, a key material for the construction industry.

Robilante Plant (CN) - Chemistry goes to the ITIS of Cuneo

The Robilante cement plant signed a three-year agreement with the ITIS Delpozzo of Cuneo - Course of studies in Chemistry and Materials, Fourth-year classes - which launched the ‘La chimica va a scuola’ project. Three meetings with different contents have been scheduled for each year. A simple but effective format: it all starts with an institutional presentation of Buzzi in the world and in Italy, technical information on cement performance and ISO Standards. A meeting has then be held at the school laboratory where students, split up into groups, will be required to form mixtures of the 5 types of cement produced at the Robilante plant in compliance with ISO 197/1, according to the indicated ranges of chemical analyses (target % SO3, % Cl and % CO2). Lastly, a tour of the cement plant to experience first-hand the cement production cycle, with a more in-depth visit to the laboratories where the cement samples made by the teams are analyzed.

The visit to the cement plant that took place this past Wednesday, May 17, marked the end of the project for 2023.

Monselice Plant (PD) - Three-year partnership between ALIdARTE, Buzzi Unicem, and the Ferrari Arts High School of Este

The cultural association ALIdArte of Este, which has been working in partnership with the Monselice Plant for several years now, suggested to the Company a three-year PCTO (Percorso per le Competenze Transversali e l’Orientamento or Cross-disciplinary Skills and Career Guidance) project involving students from the Ferrari Arts High School of Este, with the aim of increasing social, environmental, public awareness in the area of sustainability in the workplace as well. This project allowed the students, for the first year, to paint a mural inside the offices and produce a video, with the help of specialized technicians, as a way to express their idea of environmental, social, and economic sustainability.

The project concluded with a show entitled YOUNGSTERS ART AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, which also featured the dance group from the SUENO DANCE school of Este as well as Cristina Masiero and Silvia Greggio from ALIdARTE, who put on a performance and art installation during the show.

A project that is set to return in 2024.

Built Vercelli - Mrs. Clay & Mr. Stone

As part of Built's visiting program, the Vercelli laboratory hosted a 3rd-grade class from Trino's "Edmondo De Amicis" elementary school. Mrs. Illy Clay & Mr. Lime Stone personally took part in the event, telling the children about the strange animals that inhabit their fantastic land, Portland Island. The young guests then visited the concrete lab, where they had a great time coloring white cement molds and creating small masterpieces. Lastly, the children tried their hand at the new game of the "Built to play" line, a memory game that uses pictures of clinker under a microscope.

Built visits are meant to introduce children and adolescents to the world of concrete and allow them to learn through playing, so that they can understand how important this material is for our world.

Barletta Plant (BT) - Federbeton “Porte Aperte” at Barletta

On Saturday, May 20, the Barletta Plant was the scene of a well-attended "Porte Aperte" event, as part of the initiative by the same name promoted by Federbeton. The day began at 8:30 a.m. with 170 students from the 3rd, 4th and 5th-year classes from some of the city's high schools, accompanied by their teachers.

The CEO Antonio Buzzi and the Cement Plant Director Domenico Ingegno welcomed the guests, entertaining them with information on Federbeton and Buzzi Unicem's commitment to sustainability. Afterward, the students were invited to actively participate in some activities thanks to which groups of 20 students (each one with a teacher and 2 staff chaperones) alternated between visits to the stands (Health & Safety, production and marketing), and tours of the plant and laboratory analysis. The teachers provided very positive feedback on the event, emphasizing the importance of making students aware of the cement production cycle as a key material for construction, but most of all they expressed their satisfaction for the opening of a local industrial facility in a full production context. The students also showed great interest in finding out what takes place at our plant.


Guidonia Plant (RM) - Project “House of Civic Education”

The experimental project "House of Civic Education" was launched last year by the Guidonia cement plant and Saperambiente, a newspaper belonging to the Saperenetwork Group, which deals with environmental publications featuring a strong educational slant and a distinct focus on citizenship training (

Buzzi Unicem provided financial backing for the printed edition of the textbook published by Sapereambiente "Citizens of the Present. Paths of Civic Education for High Schools" and the latter has promoted its use at the two local schools, the Don Lorenzo Milani and Leonardo da Vinci Comprehensive Institutes, carrying out a collaborative planning campaign aimed at teachers who will use the book through in-person and remote meetings. This pilot project also includes a visit by the students to the cement plant. At the end of last April, students from IC Don Lorenzo Milani visited the cement plant and, in addition to the opportunity to learn about the production cycle, an attempt was made with the teachers to give an educational as well as social value to the day, so as to raise responsible and active citizens, promoting full and conscious participation in the activities being carried out locally.

Trino Plant (VC) - AgriGREST 2023: done!

The well-tested week at the farmstead, which has reached its 3rd edition, was once again a success. The 25 enrolled children were split up into four teams, which competed against each other to the tune of blueberry picking, team games, and discovering natural species.

Nature took center stage during the week. The sunshine warmed everyone's heart and soul, and the wonderful entertainers of the Associazione Tra Cielo e Terra Association succeeded in teaching the richness of sharing and the value of friendship. The singing and music of the ever-present guitar added plenty of joyfulness.

Stabilimento di Fanna (PN) - Un laboratorio didattico per i bimbi del Centro Estivo

Venerdì 21 luglio, lo Stabilimento Buzzi Unicem di Fanna ha accolto 43 bambini del centro estivo insieme ai loro animatori per partecipare ad un progetto realizzato in collaborazione con il Comune di Fanna. Per questa occasione è venuta a trovarci Paola Ducci, consulente educativa ambientale e alimentare, la quale ha affrontato in modo ludico temi di importanza globale e di stretta attualità come la sana e corretta alimentazione, la lotta allo spreco alimentare e la sostenibilità ambientale.
Durante la mattinata sono state svolte diverse attività per sensibilizzare i ragazzi sul tema dell’alimentazione, ponendo attenzione al concetto di spreco alimentare e spiegando loro l’importanza di comperare solo lo stretto necessario, utilizzando una lista della spesa e controllando le date di scadenza dei prodotti.
Con l’utilizzo della piramide alimentare e attraverso il gioco, i bimbi hanno scelto quali prodotti privilegiare e quali ridurre per una corretta alimentazione, ponendo particolare attenzione all’importanza di consumare prodotti di stagione e possibilmente a chilometro zero. Infine, hanno avuto l’opportunità di ragionare sulla sostenibilità del packaging dei prodotti che abitualmente si acquistano e sulla necessità di una sempre più puntuale e meticolosa raccolta differenziata di tutti i rifiuti che si producono, per il rispetto del Pianeta e secondo i principi della circular economy.
Dopo la pausa pranzo in sala mensa gli ospiti hanno imparato l’arte della semina e del prendersi cura delle piante, attraverso l’utilizzo di bottiglie d’acqua trasformate in piccoli vasi che fungevano da vivaio ai semi di prezzemolo e basilico, che hanno poi portato a casa.
La giornata è terminata offrendo una ricca varietà di frutta e verdura di stagione che hanno potuto prima utilizzare per creare un paesaggio colorato e fantasioso, e poi degustare come merenda.

Stabilimento di Barletta (BT) - Cemento Creativo

Lo stabilimento di Barletta ha accolto con piacere la collaborazione nata con SCART-OFF e  l’ITET Cassandro-Fermi-Nervi di Barletta per la realizzazione del progetto "Cemento Creativo" sull’impiego non ordinario del cemento, con l’obiettivo di avvicinare giovani studenti della scuola secondaria al mondo produttivo del cemento e, al tempo stesso, alla conoscenza di alcune tecniche manuali dell’artigianato ecosostenibile.

A rendere ancora più speciale l’appuntamento creativo è stata la partecipazione attiva di studenti DVA affiancati ognuno da una coppia di studenti tutor, attività ideata e sviluppata come valida alternativa ai consueti Percorsi per le Competenze Trasversali e per l'Orientamento (PCTO) già attivi con le scuole del territorio.

Partendo dalle nozioni tecniche che sono alla base del ciclo produttivo e tecnologico del cemento, si è passati a scoprire e sperimentare le differenti forme che una semplice miscela di acqua e cemento può assumere, anche grazie all’impiego di comuni stampi in silicone.

Il laboratorio in cementeria ha rappresentato un vero e proprio momento educativo con una doppia finalità: favorire nuovi processi di “inclusione” scolastica per gli alunni con neurodiversità, che hanno avuto l’opportunità di apprendere alcune semplici tecniche artigianali, nell’ottica dell’ecosostenibilità, del riuso creativo e della valorizzazione dell’artigianato; ma anche fornire uno spazio formativo mediante la metodologia del tutoring, ovvero l’insegnamento reciproco tra pari, nel quale uno studente svolge il ruolo di tutor, supportando un compagno DVA, sempre con spirito di squadra.

Il laboratorio si è concluso con la realizzazione da parte degli studenti di originali oggetti in malta cementizia (portacandele e porta vasi) di varie forme e dimensioni, tutti decorati a mano.

Un’esperienza unica e speciale, che è stata molto più di un semplice laboratorio di artigianato e riciclo creativo: un incontro di professioni, abilità e creatività, per diffondere e “cementare” l’educazione ambientale e la convivenza delle differenze.


Augusta Plant (SR) - Augusta opens the doors of the Cement Plant to the “Bocconi Alumni Community”

On Saturday, May 6, the Augusta plant unveiled its new look, the result of a recently completed restyling, opening its doors to the Catania Chapter of the "Bocconi Alumni Community," a group of professionals with Bocconian backgrounds who work in different fields and meet periodically for professional, social and cultural exchanges with the main objective of raising awareness and highlighting the excellence of the area.

With the helpful support of Riccardo Parigi, ambassador of the En-ROADS program (, several topics were discussed, examining in depth the company's commitment to sustainability, our roadmap for reducing CO2 emissions, the Cleanker project, and the use of CSS (secondary solid fuel) in the production cycle.

Vernasca Plant (PC) - “Climate Change – My choices matter”: three days of meetings with the En-ROADS simulator

In February, several meetings were held at the Buzzi Unicem cement plant in Vernasca to discuss the issue of climate change using the En-ROADS simulator with its Italian Ambassador Mr. Riccardo Parigi. This tool, designed to be used interactively with groups of people, provides the basis for initiating scientific and challenging discussions on how we need to approach such a complex topic.

The Plant Director, Mr. Carlo Gamba, welcomed about 100 people, including students from the Lugagnano and Morfasso Comprehensive Institute and their teachers, local administrations as well as local associations, namely Lugagnano Off-road and ASD Vernasca Calcio, which have been collaborating with the company for years.

During the various meetings, many thought-provoking ideas surfaced thanks to the simulator, which proved to be a valuable tool for expanding the ways by which we can define the impact of good environmental practices on hundreds of factors such as temperature, air quality, and sea and ocean levels.

Siniscola Plant (NU) - A winning combination: UTE (University of the Third Age) and Buzzi Unicem

On Friday, June 9, in the meeting room of the Siniscola Cement Plant, the photography course held during the year at the University of the Third Age in Siniscola featuring lectures given by the architect Aldo Sardoni, came to a close.

Last December, together with UTE, a musical concert was held to showcase local young artists. In the meantime, the partnership with Architect Sardoni originated from his request to hold a photographic project dedicated to the art and construction technique of the structures and facilities located at the Plant. Some

of his many beautiful photographs can now be viewed at the permanent exhibition set up in the hallways of the office buildings.


Stabilimento di Barletta (BT) - Il “Maintenance Truck” di SKF è arrivato a Barletta!

Il 5 ottobre 2023, all’interno dello stabilimento di Barletta è entrato il “Maintenance Truck” di SKF, una laboratorio itinerante che viaggia per l'Italia, per mostrare le più avanzate tecnologie nel campo dei cuscinetti e dei sistemi di lubrificazione.

Questo camion non è solo un veicolo, ma una “vetrina ambulante di ingegneria di precisione”, a sottolinearlo è stato Alessio Quarta, Account Manager di SKF che, con il suo team, ha messo in risalto l’efficientamento delle macchine nei nostri impianti industriali, dimostrando quanto queste tecnologie siano fondamentali per lo sviluppo dell'industria del cemento.
L’incontro congiunto tra le tre aziende ha, dunque, evidenziato l'impegno per l'innovazione e l'eccellenza tecnologica.

Un evento interessante, che non resterà certamente isolato, vista la viva partecipazione di tutti gli addetti ai lavori.

Stabilimento di Barletta (BT) - Una speciale giornata di formazione ed addestramento con i Vigili Del Fuoco

Nel mese di luglio, presso lo stabilimento Buzzi Unicem di Barletta ha avuto luogo la manutenzione programmata dell’analizzatore ASYS ad opera dei tecnici statunitensi della ditta ETI, Environmental Technology Inc.

Tale attività, preannunciata agli Enti competenti come previsto dalle vigenti autorizzazioni, ha rappresentato un’insolita ed imperdibile occasione per alcune squadre di Vigili del Fuoco del locale Comando Provinciale, che hanno infatti avuto l’opportunità di presenziare ed assistere a tutte le fasi manutentive.

La giornata ha preso il via con un briefing inziale per presentare le principali finalità applicative della tecnologia a raggi gamma in uso per l’analisi in continuo delle materie prime e i dettagli relativi al funzionamento dell’analizzatore ASYS.

Alla teoria è poi seguita l’attività di osservazione sul campo di tutte le fasi relative all’intervento manutentivo vero e proprio: un’occasione unica per il locale Comando dei VVF, non solo per conoscere da vicino questa particolare tecnologia impiegata nel nostro ciclo produttivo, ma anche per discutere di tutti gli aspetti relativi alla gestione in sicurezza di tali sistemi di analisi con i referenti di impianto e con gli stessi tecnici americani intervenuti per la manutenzione. Alcuni Vigili, appartenenti al nucleo NBCR, hanno anche potuto verificare i livelli di esposizione durante le varie fasi dell’intervento, constatando un evidente allineamento con gli esiti della periodica sorveglianza e radioprotezione condivisi poco prima in aula, in coerenza con il consueto spirito di trasparenza che contraddistingue le occasioni di incontro con il territorio.

Stabilimento di Monselice (Pd) - “La Fabbrica, uno spazio alternativo per la cultura”, ALIdARTE presenta Mattia Bennici

Lo Stabilimento Buzzi Unicem di Monselice si è unito all’iniziativa artistico-culturale “La fabbrica, uno spazio alternativo per la cultura”. Questo progetto, lanciato nel 2021 dall’associazione culturale ALIdARTE, che si occupa della promozione e valorizzazione degli artisti locali, ha l’obiettivo di dare visibilità a spazi inediti e stimolare la creatività artistica.

Lo stabilimento di Monselice ha aperto le sue porte agli artisti, offrendo ampi spazi espositivi per sostenere e promuovere l’espressione creativa in tutte le forme d’arte. Tra le varie mostre allestite, spicca quella inaugurata lo scorso novembre, visitabile fino al 3 marzo 2024, dal titolo “Dentro di noi, la stanza dell’artista” realizzata dal pittore e disegnatore Mattia Bennici, a cura di Silvia Greggio e dall’associazione Culturale ALIdARTE.

Questi progetti costituiscono i primi passi di un’ambiziosa iniziativa volta a promuovere l’arte in tutte le sue forme, a supporto della scena artistica locale e dell’arricchimento culturale del territorio.


Guidonia Plant (RM) - San Luigi Mini Marathon and Walk 2023 - 10th Edition - Combining sports and solidarity

Sunday, June 11 marked the return of the San Luigi Mini Marathon and Walk - 10.2 and 5 km respectively - now in its 10th edition. The event is traditionally held in June near the feast day of the cement plant's patron saint, San Luigi Gonzaga.

As done for several years now, the start and finish lines were positioned in the yard in front of the entrance, with part of the route inside the cement plant, where athletes and guests were able to marvel at our facilities and appreciate the olive grove that provides the backdrop. About 500 people signed up, with the involvement of a large representation of the three Guidonia Scout groups, who supported the marathon runners during the race.

Monselice Plant (PD) - A basketball tournament featuring the Virtus Basket Padova team and Buzzi-Unicem Sport

A bond forged for the second year with the Virtus Basket Padova team made it possible to hold the second AEuganeus Basketball Party on Sunday, May 28, with a tournament dedicated to the Aquilotti category, at the Monselice production plant.

In addition to the black-green mini-basketball team, Pallacanestro Redentore, Basket Conselve, Battaglia Terme, and Pallacanestro Camin also joined and participated with the Aquilotti teams on the courts set up inside the bagging areas. An unusual Sunday for all the children who put on a show between jumps, shooting hoops, and lots of smiles, while their parents were watching, turning a tournament held in a truly unique location into a very special event.

In a program full of activities, in addition to the basketball tournament, the many guests were treated to a performance by the Drummers of the Augusta Contrada of Marendole, a group that for several years has been awarded as the best drum ensemble in the historical procession of the Monselice Palio. 
In the afternoon, after a delicious lunch break, it was time for inclusive basketball with a beautiful exhibition game of BaskIN starring the Redentore Baskin Este team.

During the event, families and all the participants were given the opportunity to visit the Company and learn about the manufacturing processes carried out at the cement plant.

The areas made available inside the Monselice Plant also hosted the Italian Red Cross, with a special section reserved for blood glucose and cholesterol tests, the Italian Naval League Padua Section with a display of their boats, the Augusta Contrada Marendole, which produced a podcast featuring the protagonists of the day, and the Salus Pueri Foundation, which supports Padua Pediatrics and promotes the health of all children, with a presentation of the project Health, Youth and Lifestyles (to which a special fundraising moment was dedicated, with a wonderful charity shooting competition whose proceeds were doubled by Buzzi Unicem).

Stabilimento di Monselice (PD) - Backyard l’Immortale

Dopo gli ottimi risultati dello scorso anno, si conferma la collaborazione con l'ASD Ultra Team Atlante che ha lavorato a lungo per organizzare al meglio la 2° edizione de ‘L’Immortale’, particolare gara di corsa di resistenza che quest’anno è stata inserita nei Campionati italiani di Backyard.

La gara è partita dal campo base, organizzato all’interno dei parcheggi dello stabilimento Buzzi Unicem di Monselice, dove sono state predisposte le aree dedicate al ristoro, ai servizi igienici, al primo soccorso e quelle destinate alla gestione in autonomia degli atleti.

Lo stabilimento ha accolto organizzatori e atleti in una sala della cementeria per la consegna dei pettorali e i dettagli del Campionato e ha inoltre lasciato a disposizione due docce all’interno degli spogliatoi dei dipendenti per il fine gara.

Una grande partecipazione, oltre 100 atleti, tantissime persone di passaggio, semplici curiosi che hanno sostenuto gli organizzatori nelle quasi tre giornate di gara.

Alla quarantaduesima ora consecutiva di corsa ha vinto "l'immortale" Christian Calabrese, rimasto l’unico atleta in gara.