
Master TagCem - I EDITION

The first edition of the Level II University Master's degree in “Tecniche Avanzate per la Gestione degli Impianti di produzione del Cemento” (Advanced techniques for cement plant management) started in 2020, a project in which both Buzzi Unicem and the Polytechnic University of Turin firmly believed.

During the two years of the Master's program, the 14 participants had the opportunity to grow both professionally and personally, displaying great resilience and adaptability to adverse and unpredictable events that took place in those years marked by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

As planned, the company tutors assigned to each apprentice a specific topic, which the students developed during the second year of the course, developing 14 Project Works covering Buzzi Unicem's processes and activities.

Thanks to the collaboration with the professors of the Turin Polytechnic University, the company was also able to fine-tune and improve its internal training plans. In fact, some in-house employees actually helped the students, becoming internal instructors and trainers. The company believes that in the future these roles will be more and more important and crucial in developing other similar activities.

In 2022, at the end of their training, the 14 apprentices presented their Project Works at a meeting held at the Casale Monferrato headquarters in the presence of relatives, tutors, colleagues, Polytechnic professors and some representatives of the Buzzi family. In May, they received their diplomas at the Turin Polytechnic at a dedicated ceremony. Subsequently, they were assigned to various cement plants in Italy, filling the positions and responsibilities for which they received training.