Laboratori - heading

Elementi Navigazione


Each cement production plant is equipped with a modern chemical and physical/mechanical laboratory that tests the raw materials, fuels and the quality of the product.

The plant laboratories routinely conduct chemical and mineralogical analyses using state-of-the-art instruments (XRF and XRD), wet process chemical analyses, physical analyses (fineness, density), and physical/mechanical analyses of the cements (mechanical strength, setting times).

Buzzi Unicem has a central laboratory to support the various corporate functions (purchasing, sales, quality, research and development), but which can also provide support for more detailed analyses on various types of materials already used in the plants or coming from suppliers or external customers.

The laboratories are also equipped to perform analyses for new product research and development projects, activities for regulatory purposes and provide technical support to customers. 

The technical expertise offered by the central laboratory includes performing chemical and physical analysis of cements (XRD, XRF, TG-DSC, TAM); viewing samples using microscopy techniques (optical and electron microscopy); studying physical properties (fineness, density); analysing binders, building materials and waters; testing mortars; preparing concretes; and verifying all the physical/mechanical and durability properties of these materials.

The central laboratory also supports training activities on the chemistry of cement and concrete.

The central laboratory also collaborates with external companies, universities and research centers, supports graduate and doctoral theses and organizes frequent visits from students in the area.