Ambiente e Sicurezza

Elementi Navigazione

Emissions monitoring

Atmospheric emissions resulting from cement production is one of the most important aspects in terms of the environment.

Buzzi Unicem has installed modern continuous emissions monitoring systems (EMS) in all its kilns to measure and monitor the emissions performance of the main macro-pollutants, including dust, nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO2), hydrochloric acid (HCl), ammonia (NH3), carbon monoxide (CO) and total organic compounds (TOC).

These continuous systems allow the operators to monitor the emissions at all times and quickly take action on the process variables as well as on abatement systems, if any, to facilitate the containment of emissions.

Monitoring also ensures that control bodies and other relevant parties have access to reliable and traceable data, which are in fact regularly shared with the control bodies.

The instruments are maintained, inspected and calibrated regularly to ensure their performance and reliability.

Links to the EMS pages are published on the relevant official websites, as agreed with the respective municipal authorities.

If the availability of the mean hours per day is less than 70%, the mean daily value is not published, in accordance with Attachment VI, paragraph 5.2.1, section five of Legislative Decree 152/06.

Besides continuous monitoring, the gas emissions from the clinker burning lines and the dust emissions downstream of the abatement systems are also measured by certified third-party laboratories at the frequency defined in the monitoring and control plan. These data are also shared with the regulatory bodies.  

These regulatory bodies inspect the stack on a regular basis and without giving prior notice, in order to protect the environment and maintain full transparency.  

The graphs below show the main emissions trends from the clinker burning line.